Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 6 - Physical Graffiti pt. 2

Ok, I went and did the graffiti thing like it said. I honestly had no idea what exactly I was doing. More of just chucking a few images together and making them movereally. I played around with the curves effect like it said in the PDF and did manage to get some cool effects. My favourite would have to be the magician guy at the end. I used masks and weirdly made the graffiti come out from behind them. Slightly dodgy but ok. I also put some sort of 3-D effect on the second image as it moves around the screen. Im still getting use to using After Effects, especially with the effects tab. This was the first time I'd ever used it. It doesn't look too bad. It could have been slightly better, but its just experimental work. Its allowed to be dodgy :)
I've actually figured out how to keep the best quality for my videos and make them smaller in size. I just export them as best quality quicktime movies and then convert them to MPEG. Unfortunately for this one I lost the original After Effects file and so I had to convert the lower quality one instead.

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