Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 3 - Type in Motion

In this tute, I ACTUALLY managed to do something in After Effects. It took me a while, about half an hour maybe with Peter explaining everything to me, which was really helpful. I think I did about 3 seconds of typography with the audio, which was DISTURBINGLY HIDIOUSELY ANNOYING. It took a while to get the text to fit with the audio, especially when its quite fast.

I was still a bit confused with how things worked, but much better than the first tute. I came home a tried to re-do this piece myself with a different audio piece; Linkin Park's 'Hands Held High'. I think I did about another 4 seconds or more. I much preferred this to the one I did in class. I actually got the text to run smoother with the audio. Its not finished yet, but I think I'll just upload what I have later....hopefully. If not, I'm getting better with using After Effects with positioning and timing and all. It really helped with the text :)

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