Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 2 - Time, Space, Form

This was the first tute session so I was REALLY confused with what I was supposed to be doing. I knew how to use Photoshop, but majorly clueless when it came to After Effects. This is the first time I've ever used the progam. I hardly did anything for the lesson; although, I did do something in Photoshop, but never made it to After Effects. I basically spent the rest of the lesson looking at images on Flickr. So basically, I didn't actually learn much at all. Not to mention that Luke, you were actually talking really fast and some of us were just like "uhhhhh?????" But anyways, first tute. I made my Photoshop image thing :)

It actually looks like the granny is going "oooh". Now, she's either doing it to the airplane in the sky, OR to that awesome pie shot further down the branch. I'd go for the pie shot :D I basically just played around with layering and changng th modes. Also with lighting effects and opacity.

All images curtesy of Flickr.

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