Friday, April 10, 2009

Animated Interstitial

This is my piece for assessment one. I wanted to stick with the same style throughout the entire animation because I thought that it would look somewhat tacky if there was a combination between drawn images and still photographs. I decided to use a cartoonistic/ pop art style. I liked the idea of having bold coloures outlined in black. It was also easy to draw in Photoshop. Each image is hand drawn using the mouse and saved as a PNG file. The short animation denotes my love for nature. The sea, mountains, trees and plants, and my favourite, waterfalls.

I didn't use any effects. All that was used was the positioning, scaling and opacity tool. On the sand layers I created masks so that the trees and plants could come out from underneath it.

At first I was a bit reluctant to show others, but when they said it was good it changed my mind.....slowly. Because this was the first time of doing something like this I didn't want to try anything too hard and then have to change the entire plan if it didn't work out.

I think the fews things that I should have worked on a bit more was to have more time left at the end for the waterfall to play. But I didn't want to go all the way through the whole thing and reposition all the images again, it took me a long time. Also, the transition between the cave and the waterfall could have been a bit better but I was running out of time. All in all I was very pleased with my first official short animation piece :)

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