Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 5 - Client Brief

This week we were to make an add for Mad Mack's, similar to those out-there Crazy Clarks adds. I wanted to change the colour and animate the text from the original PSD but becase it was a set file thing it wouldn't let me unless I went and created the text myself. It took me about the whole lesson to pretty much get no where really. Just a lot of frustration on why things weren't doing what I wanted them to be doing. I ended up saying after class to try and fix it but it didn't work. So I decided to just start from scratch and create the text myself. All I really did was change the background colours and the size and positioning of the text. Thats all that I had.

The video below is what I had worked on at home. I watched the video tute which deffinately showed me what to do. This time, it worked much better because I wasn't trying to do too many things in it. It deffinately needed to be a lot faster but I think just as an exercis it works just fine.

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